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Senin, 05 September 2011

Emma Stone over Leonardo DiCaprio

Emma Stone is over her crush on Leonardo DiCaprio after finally meeting him.
The Spider-Man star says she was obsessed with Leo when she was growing up.
“I had a huge crush on Leonardo DiCaprio in his Titanic and Romeo + Juliet time,” admits Emma, 22.
“I really thought it was so cool. Then as time goes on and you get a little closer to those people or you meet those people, you go, ‘Oh everyone is completely normal all the time and every human being is exactly alike.’ Now, everything feels different.”
Stone recently revealed she wants to do theater.
“I would absolutely love to be on Broadway but I have vocal nodules, so it’s like a miracle I have made it through this week without my voice being gone,” she said.
“I lose my voice all the time. That would be the only thing that would be hard about doing live theater and projecting every night. When I was a kid doing theater I lost my voice every other day and it made the performances really difficult. If I could get a real handle on that, I would love to do theater.
“I was talking to Justin Timberlake and he had that surgery a couple of years ago and he was on vocal rest. And he thought he was never going to be able to sing again. But you have to have voal rest for a month. A month of me not talking? That would be very hard!”

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